☆september 12, 2024☆

two shows down

it's been four months since the last post. oops.

other than our first two shows (as well as the two and a half practices we had before the second one,) things have been the same, pretty much. we did write a new song though: close acquaintances! it's about a sad little actor being heartbroken about their costar. maybe they should've gotten a better intimacy coordinator.

we've also designed some cool little stickers! here's my favorite so far:

don't tell sanrio.

also, since this is a blog no one reads therefore i can say whatever i want, i want to talk about some bands we performed with from our shows so far because people are too talented for me to not want to talk about and remember later on. also, if for some reason you are in either echinacea or misfire (including ash) and you're reading this... exit this page right now i'm so serious this is embarrassing. anyway.

i've seen echinacea twice so far, first time being my first ever local show, and the second time because we were in the lineup with them. i'm convinced call me pretty is, like, at least top 30 songs of all time ever, it's crazy. every time i listen to it the sounds are so woooooo and my ears are so waaaaaa and then i forget i've had it on repeat for the past hour. live is even better, somehow. it's hard to pick out what my favorite part about it is because literally all of it is so good and works together soooo well. AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry. i am not a music critic so i have to communicate how much i like something by making noises. please listen to call me pretty.

misfire is kind of the same story; saw them twice, first time was their first show, second time was our show together. i don't know the names of their songs so i made a mental note of what i liked yesterday: one, three, and the beep boop song. i love the beep boop song so much. genuinely, while listening to it live, it had so many things i love about music crammed into it that it made me tear up a little, like it was perfectly crafted for my ears to listen to... okay that sounds so lame. that sounds SO lame but i'm keeping it because that was literally how i felt when i was listening to it. i need to hear it again so bad AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

i don't know what else to talk about now. bye bye.

